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On June, 26, 1964, Katrasgarh, an important centre of Coal business in the district of Dhanbad, saw a new sun smiling at it – Katras College Katrasgarh was established, It was the result of the collective effort of the people of the town that is why it was name after the town itself, -- Katras College, Katrasgarh. It was an act, inspired by the noblest of all human desires – to ensure higher education for the future generations. So it adopted co- education from the day of its establishment .
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Katras College began to grow and develop slowly but steadily. It was granted permanent affiliation by Ranchi University, Ranchi on June’ 2, 1969. It was registered with the UGC Under Section 2(f) , vide UGC letter no. F -13-10/69 (CD) dt. 10.03.1972, and under 12 (B) on 17.06.1972.
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